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Agressive Birds

Above: This months wallpaper calendar photo - some manipulation has taken place - but what?

Take a look at some of Ken’s other recent photos on his Flickr feed.

Left: 14 Camera Tricks to shoot like the pros

Below is the Cardinal that attacked the RV while parked at the State Park in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Why a camera and not a cell phone -

You need a view finder and you need an LCD display on your camera.

You need image stabilization

You need pixels

You need a zoom lens

You need a large sensor

You need quality movies


What Photography has taught us -

  1. 1.Slow down

  2. 2.Beauty is In the details

  3. 3.Learn from your mistakes

  4. 4.It’s OK to make mistakes

  5. 5.Practice and improve

  6. 6.Memories are made in photos